Cellulitis is an often painful skin infection, an inflammation of subcutaneous tissue. It may first appear as discolored swollen areas that feel hot and tender to touch. The discoloration and swelling can spread quickly. According to the texture of the skin the color varies mildly, on light skin cellulitis will typically appear in red or pink color on dark skin it may appear dark brown gray and purple in color.
Most often it affects the lower limb and legs, although the infection can occur anywhere on a person’s body or face. It usually affects the surface of the skin, but with a spread and exposed infection affects the underneath tissues, of blood stream and to the lymph nodes. The infection can occur recurrently.
The classical signs of cellulitis varies from a person to person within the affected areas:
The incidence of more serious staphylococcus infection called “Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is increasing. Sometimes animal bites can also trigger the infection.
The predisposing factors are diabetes and immune-suppression. The recurrence of cellulitis may damage the lymphatic drainage system and cause chronic swelling.
Cellulitis usually doesn’t spread from person to person, but there is a possible chance to spread a bacterial skin infection of an open wound or cut on the skin with an active infection in progress.
Some of the factors increases the risk of cellulitis, such as:
Cellulitis with a skin condition like eczema or athlete’s foot can enter through the skin and makes the condition worse.
Weak immune system which weakens and gives more susceptible to infections like diabetes, leukemia, HIV/AIDS
Lymphedema (swelling of arms and legs) prior with the surgery
Previous history of cellulitis are most prone to develop again
Being obese or overweight increases the risk of developing cellulitis
Our traditional system of medicines, having herbal anti-inflammatory drugs to get rid of inflammation. Certain herbal diuretics are very essential in reducing swelling and inflammation. Herbal medicines will enhance the natural immune system without any side effects. Heat therapy, light therapy also given in our RJR hospitals for the treatments of cellulitis. RJR Herbal Hospital ensures their best in giving high effective treatment for Cellulitis such as topical treatments, subtle internal medicines, blood purifier medicines, herbal treatments, meditation, yoga, breathing exercise, healthy diet, developing healthy habit, frequent usage of moisturizer, oil baths, systematic meditations, and light therapy are the treatment that helps the people to cure well.