It is a disease where the body is disabled at aside also the body stops reacting to the condition we give, and at last it becomes a senseless one with inactiveness. Since paralysis has many types such as Monoplegia, Hemiplegia, Quadriplegia, and Tetraplegia.
A condition in which it is caused by brain damage or spinal cord injury leads to the paralysis on one side of the muscles, lower face, arm, and leg of the body. The corticospinal track extends from the lower spinal cord to the cerebral cortex. They cross in the brain stem so damage to the right hemisphere of brain results in left side paralysis. It causes weakness problems with muscle control and muscle stiffness.
Hemiplegic onset before birth or during birth, or within the 2 yrs of birth is referred as congenital. Thus the acquired Hemiplegia develops in later stage in life. Often strokes at womb causes Hemiplegia in children.
Hemorrhage: Subarachnoid hemorrhage is the bleeding in space between the brain and tissue covering the brain. Hemorrhage or ischemic stroke includes blood leakage and brain infections. Some bacterial and viral infection cause permanent damage to the brain.
Brain Trauma:
This brain trauma is a sudden impact of your head causes brain damage where the brain dysfunction caused by outside force, violent blow to head that leads to brain damage which develops later as Hemiplegia.
Stress/Blood Pressure:
Increased blood pressure in the cerebral arteries makes the arteries to rupture and causes hemiplegia.
Brain Tumor:
A cancerous or non-cancerous growth or mass of abnormal cells in brain causes brain damage as the tumors develops symptoms and get worse.
Nutrition of the ATPIA3 gene can cause alternating hemiplegia in children. it may be like temporary hemiplegia symptoms which may come and go.
There are namely different kinds of hemiplegia presents such as:
Facial Hemiplegia:
This facial hemiplegia includes paralyzed facial muscles on one side of the face and hemiplegia of elsewhere in the body.
Spinal Hemiplegia:
This kind of Spinal Hemiplegia is nothing but the damage of spinal on one side that results in paralysis on the same side of the body. In which it causes low atmosphere sensation loss of sensation on the opposite side of the body.
Contra lateral Hemiplegia:
This contra lateral hemiplegia affects opposite side of the body which lead to paralysis.
Spastic Hemiplegia:
It might affect one side of the body due to cerebral palsy. The muscles are affected on the sides which are constantly contracted or spastic.
Acute Hemiplegia:
Since this acute hemiplegia signifies due to the EBV infection. Alternating hemiplegia of childhood: Repeated episodes of hemiplegia affects one or both side of the body and it occurs within 18 months.
Monoplegia is that the paralysis happens at only one area such as arm or leg. The paraplegia is the paralysis of the lower half of the body. It might be due to any accident or chronic health condition or even any surgery. People affected by paraplegia will have mobility problem and they may use wheel chair. Since the affected people can’t able to voluntarily move their legs, foot and sometime abdomen.
Paralysis occurs with loss of movements and sensation in all the four limbs. It can also affect the internal organs in the trunk.
For Paralysis and stroke patients, herbal medicines are given to improve the blood circulation for the brain cells. Medicines are given to dissolve the hemorrhage. Herbal medicines are given to reduce the pressure (BP) and sugar (BS). Herbal medicines which give strength to the nerves and muscles are advised. Mainly, very effective Varma, Panchakarma treatment like abhiyangam, pilichal, dhaara, navarakizhi treatment is recommended to bring back the motor functions of hands and legs. If vatha is eliminated from the body the bed ridden patient may able to walk without any supports. Many patients got better results after having treatment in our hospital. They will develop the ability to do their daily activities by themselves. Symptoms such as inability to move the hands and legs is improved. Slurred speech will be improved. Deviation of the mouth will becomes normal. Drooping of saliva becomes reduced. If you are in the search of finding the best hospital to cure your disease, book your appointment here and here is the best solution for all kinds of disease and disorder in herbal way of treatment.