Fungal Infection

Fungal Infection Treatment in Chennai

Fungi are microorganisms characterized by a substance in their cell walls called chitin. Some fungi, like many types of mushrooms, are edible. Other types of fungi, like aspergillums, can be extremely dangerous and lead to life-threatening diseases. Different types of fungi can cause fungal infections. In other cases, fungi that are normally present on or inside your body can multiply out of control and cause an infection. Fungal infections can be contagious. They can spread from one person to another. In some cases, you can also catch disease-causing fungi from infected animals or contaminated soil or surfaces.


A fungus is a primitive organism. Mushrooms, mold and mildew are examples. Fungi live in air, in soil, on plants and in water. Some live in the human body. Only about half of all types of fungi are harmful.

Some fungi reproduce through tiny spores in the air. You can inhale the spores or they can land on you. As a result, fungal infections often start in the lungs or on the skin. You are more likely to get a fungal infection if you have a weakened immune system or taking antibiotics.

Fungi can be difficult to kill. For skin and nail infections, you can apply medicine directly to the infected area. Oral antifungal medicines are also available for serious infections.


When your skin comes into contact with a harmful fungus, the infection can cause the rash to appear. For example, if you borrowed a pair of shoes from someone who had athlete’s foot, the fungus could come in contact with your foot and infect you. Rashes often pass from person to person or from animal to person by direct contact.

Anyone can develop a fungal rash. Superficial infections of the skin and nails are cited as the most common form of infection, affecting up to 20-25% of the world’s population at any given time. For example, athlete’s foot often affects otherwise healthy people.

You may have a higher risk for developing a skin rash if you:

  • Weakened immune system
  • Taking long-term or high-dose antibiotics.
  • Excess weight.
  • Diabetes.
  • Try a new skin care product.
  • Experience incontinence (for example, babies getting diaper rashes).
  • Sweat heavily.
  • Pregnancy.


The symptoms of a fungal infection will depend on the type, but common symptoms include the following:

  • Skin changes
  • Red and possibly cracking or peeling skin
  • Itching
  • Asthma-like symptoms.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Muscle aches or joint pain.
  • Night sweats.
  • Weight loss.
  • Chest pain.


Some common types of fungal infection include:

  • athlete’s foot
  • jock itch
  • ringworm
  • yeast infection
  • onychomycosis, or a fungal infection of the nail
  • Most common fungal diseases
  • Fungal nail infections
  • Common infections of the fingernails or toenails.

Some other types of fungal infections that affects people are:

Vaginal candidiasis - Caused by the yeast Candida, also called a “vaginal yeast infection.” Ringworm - A common fungal skin infection that often looks like a circular rash.

  • Candida infections - of the mouth, throat, and esophagus Caused by the yeast Candida, also called “thrush.

Fungal diseases that affect people who live in or travel to certain areas Blastomycosis - Caused by the fungus Blastomyces, which lives in moist soil in parts of the United States and Canada.

  • Cryptococcus gattii infection - Caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which lives in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world, the United States Pacific Northwest, and British Columbia. Paracoccidioidomycosis - Caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides, which lives in parts of Central and South America and most often affects men who work outdoors in rural areas.
  • Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) - Caused by Coccidioides, which lives in the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico and Central and South America.
  • Histoplasmosis - Caused by the fungus Histoplasma, which lives in the environment, often in association with large amounts of bird or bat droppings.

Fungal diseases that affect people with weakened immune systems Weakened immune systems can’t fight off infections as well, due to conditions such as HIV, cancer, organ transplants, or certain medications.

  • Aspergillosis - An infection caused by Aspergillus, a common mold that lives indoors and outdoors.
  • Candida auris infection - Emerging, often multidrug-resistant fungus found in healthcare settings that presents a serious global health threat.
  • Invasive candidiasis - A serious infection that can affect the blood, heart, brain, eyes, bones, and other parts of the body in hospitalized patients.
  • Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) - A serious infection caused by the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii.
  • Candidiasis - Candida normally lives inside the body and on the skin without causing any problems, but can cause infections if it grows out of control or if it enters deep into the body.
  • Cryptococcus neoformans infection - Can infect the brain, causing meningitis, and is more likely to affect people with HIV/AIDS.
  • Mucormycosis - A rare but serious infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes.
  • Talaromyces - Caused by Taloromyces, a fungus that lives in Southeast Asia, southern China, or eastern India.

Other diseases and health problems caused by fungi Fungal eye infections - Rare infections that can develop after an eye injury or after eye surgery.

  • Sporotrichosis - Caused by the fungus Sporothrix, which lives throughout the world in soil and on plants.
  • Mycetoma - Caused by certain types of bacteria and fungi found in soil and water, typically in rural regions of Africa, Latin America, and Asia.


Some precautions can prevent many fungal infections. For example, to reduce the risk of developing athlete’s foot, it’s important to keep your feet clean and dry. If walking in a locker room, pool, or a communal shower, wear flip flops or sandals to keep your skin from touching the floor. To reduce the risk of a vaginal yeast infection, it’s important to wear “breathable” underwear, avoid using scented sprays or powders, and practice good hygiene. Try to keep the following tips in mind to help prevent a fungal skin infection from developing:

  • Be sure to practice good hygiene.
  • Don’t share clothing, towels, or other personal items.
  • Wear clean clothes every day, particularly socks and underwear.
  • Choose clothing and shoes that breathe well. Avoid clothing or shoes that are too tight or have a restrictive fit.
  • Make sure to dry off properly with a clean, dry, towel after showering, bathing, or swimming.
  • Wear sandals or flip-flops in locker rooms instead of walking with bare feet.
  • Wipe down shared surfaces, such as gym equipment or mats.
  • Stay away from animals that have signs of a fungal infection, such as missing fur or frequent scratching.
  • To prevent inhaling spores which can cause a lung infection, wear a mask when working in an area where fungal spores may be stirred up and get into the air you are breathing, such as chicken coops or other areas where there may be bird or bat droppings, as well as decaying vegetation, which can happen when you’re working in the garden


Fungal infections are treated with anti-fungal medications specific to the particular fungus that caused the infection. These medications can be cream or ointment, suppository, or pill form. Regular antibiotics are not used for fungal infections because they are not effective. RJR herbal hospitals is providing a very effective treatments for the fungal infections. Blood purifying medicines are given to rejuvinate the blood. If you want to clear your fungal infection permanently book an appointment to our RJR herbal hospitals. Here the doctors are well specialized with experience to treat the fungal infections. Lakhs and lakhs of people got treated successfully in our hospitals without any side effects and recurrence of the disesase.

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