Peripheral Neuropathy, a result of damage to the nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves), often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in the hands and feet. It can also affect other areas and body functions including digestion, urination and circulation. Your peripheral nervous system sends information from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body. The peripheral nerves also send sensory information to the central nervous system.
Peripheral neuropathy can result from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolism, inherited causes and exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes is diabetes. People with peripheral neuropathy generally describe the pain as stabbing, burning or tingling. In many cases symptoms improve, especially is caused by a treatable condition. Medications can reduce the pain of peripheral neuropathy.
Every nerve in your peripheral system has a specific function, so symptoms depend on the type of nerves affected.
Peripheral Neuropathy can affect one nerve (mononeuropathy), two or more nerves in different areas (multiple mononeuropathy), or many nerves (polyneuropathy). Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of mononeuropathy. Most people with peripheral neuropathy have polyneuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy is nerve damage caused by a number of different conditions. Health conditions that can cause peripheral neuropathy include:
These include kidney disease, liver disease, connective tissue disorder and an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).
Other Causes includes:
Peripheral neuropathy risk factors include:
Complications of peripheral neuropathy can include:
If any vitamin deficiency, the herbal medicines and proper diet is required. Diabetic patient is treated to prevent the occurrence of neuropathy. By enhancing the overall body blood circulation with Varma therapy and reducing the body’s heat, the peripheral neuritis symptoms is reduced. Our RJR Herbal hospitals stands for 4 generations and providing good medical support without any side effects. Certain forms of peripheral neuropathy can be prevented by avoiding alcohol, smoking, avoiding heavy drugs, treating diabetes fastly.